Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Stoker 2013 English [by fecike]

Seeds: 109
Peers: 89
Torrent Download

Language: Eng
Runtime: 99 min
Audio: 5.1
Frame Rate: 23.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 2924 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 440 kbps
Torrent Size: 815 MB
Files: 3

Stoker 2013 torrentYear: 2013
Starring: Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode
Director: Chan-wook Park

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Review: I was privileged enough to see this film at the annual Sundance Film Festival, and I have to say that it is well worth the time and wait. Sam cast includes some incredibly talented and experienced names, but India (Wasikowska) and raptor-like her consciousness that really sets the tone of the film, when referring to the secrets and oddities related characters sink into their roles as teeth deeper in the body as in a movie clicked together. The same script can be rewritten with more depth and attention to the emotional richness and power of strange characters, all of them are skilled enough to work mightily under cover of mystery, directed by Park Chan-Vook rises so flawless, but the film can be much more good in the tragic and frightening values ​​of the adapted screenplay. Editing is also noteworthy for Chan-Vooks is very engaging in that time-frequency, which is used to connect specific events, the construction of Indias character and conflicts of those who surround him, and the realization of its unusual ability to deal with the revelations that come about as scary and fit together. The audience comes to realize that some mysteries are exclusive only to those who are required to travel in the same bloody trail that connects generations conclusion infinite and eternal despair and terrible longing and love can be outstanding in its forbidden and deserted. The soundtrack is a pleasant surprise and installations, with a piece of Clint Mans (Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream), a debut vellssi Emily becomes the color that is used to draw more Indias transformation. I highly recommend this movie and highly praised actors Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode, Dermot Mulronei and contribute to initial and lasting Allure.

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